How to Clear the Clutter in an Open Floor Plan Home

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Remember why you love an open floor plan. They're popular with homeowners who prefer a spacious look and feel. The problem is that when one thing is out of place in the living room, you can see it from the foyer, dining room and probably the kitchen, too. Suddenly the living room’s clutter is visible in every adjoining space.

If you have an open home and struggle with keeping it looking as bright as it was when you moved in, here are a few ways to conquer clutter in an open floor plan home and reclaim its sweeping appearance.

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How to Organize Your Garage

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If there's one thing I’m constantly battling to organize and KEEP organized, is definitely our garage! It seems to be a dumping ground for all the things we don't want, aren't using, or MIGHT need in the near future. Last year we installed a massive amount of shelves to help us at least get everything off the floor. I just knew that would be the answer to all my prayers. But even though I had the shelves installed I was lacking the storage to contain all of my random things.
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New Year, New Home: How to Declutter Your Home in 6 Easy Steps

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Is decluttering your home on your list of New Year’s Resolutions? If so, you’re in the right place! We’ve got the scoop on how you can clean and declutter your home in a few easy steps! It can seem like a ton of work to tackle your entire home, but we’re going to break it down, so you can finally achieve your resolution to declutter this year!

Read on for the ultimate plan for clutter-clearing!

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Marie Kondo: a psychologist assesses the KonMari method of tidying

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Have your friends recently begun obsessively folding their t-shirts, or explaining how they have got rid of a book that no longer “brings them joy”? If so, they’ve probably been caught up in the new craze from lifestyle guru and “tidying consultant” Marie Kondo.
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How to Organize Your Home in 2019, According to Marie Kondo

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With the new year, comes the urge to get more organized, and if you've long shared this goal, chances are you're already familiar with Japanese organizing expert Marie Kondo. Kondo's New York Times best-selling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, which was released in 2014, motivated people all around the world to free their homes of clutter in favor of more thoughtful, mindful lives. Her much-talked-about KonMari Method suggests parting with any items that don't spark joy.
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