Is decluttering your home on your list of New Year’s Resolutions? If so, you’re in the right place! We’ve got the scoop on how you can clean and declutter your home in a few easy steps! It can seem like a ton of work to tackle your entire home, but we’re going to break it down, so you can finally achieve your resolution to declutter this year!
Read on for the ultimate plan for clutter-clearing!

1. Start with the kitchen.
Your kitchen is the heart of your home and it’s important to keep it clutter-free and functional!
Get rid of old dish towels
Sell or giveaway unused appliances
Toss or recycle containers without lids or freebie cups you’ve been collecting over the years
Throw away expired food
Part with old dishes & cookware you no longer need

2. Head to the family & play rooms.
Keeping the family room clutter-free is difficult with kids around. Here are a few tips to clean up these areas!
Get rid of old games and toys that have been outgrown or are unused
Collect schoolwork and art projects and save the special pieces in a designated box
3. Bathroom time!
We’re all guilty of letting our bathroom vanities become a little more unorganized than we would like.
Toss old & expired makeup and skin care items
Clean and reorganize drawers, shelves, and cabinets
Don’t hold on to products that you won’t use

4. Clean those closets!
It’s important to take time to sort through all of the clothes and accessories you’ve accumulated over the years. The beginning of a new year is the perfect time!
Donate or sell clothes, shoes, and accessories that you no longer want
Organize clothes by season
5. Organize your mudroom or entrance.
A clean and decluttered mudroom or entry is essential for welcoming guests into your home. Here are some tips for cleaning up!
Hide away stray items
Sort through and get rid of junk
Add organization where needed: hooks, shelves, and baskets
Add drawer organizers

6. Finish with your home office.
We know you have stacks of bills and papers that need to be gone through! 2019 is your year to finally organize your home office space.
Use one calendar to stay organized
Switch to paperless bills
Shred documents you no longer need
Sort through and file bills, statements, and stacks of paper